What Do You Have In Your House?
In 2 Kings 4:1-7 KJV, the prophet Elisha encountered a widow with Two (2) sons who was up to her head in debt and her debtors were about to take her sons into slavery as reimbursement. Let’s just say that we have come quite far from the 9th Century BCE because in this part of the world, you’re welcome to freely owe the bank or credit card companies and they will not come for your children to enslave them. It’s also sad to note that there are parts of the world that still experience this kind of thing. Poverty and hardship is real and if you haven’t been there before, it can be a bit hard for you to fathom that something of that nature can happen.
When she ran to the prophet for help, Elisha asked her a very simple but powerful question, “How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?” 2 Kings 4:2a KJV. The Amplified Bible expands on it by asking, “.. what do you have [of value] in the house?”. The first time I read this scripture I said to myself, “dude, if she had something of value wouldn’t she sell it already to save her dear life and her children from these debtors?”. Then the Holy Spirit assisted me in understanding this a bit better. The widow told Elisha she had olive oil in her home, correct? So, obviously, she had something that God can use to get her out of the rut she was in. That seems to be most of us - when situations overwhelm us, we fail to see the vessels that God can use to bless us. He has bestowed gifts, talents, skills and opportunities in us, around us and through us. He meticulously gave us all these because He knows that there will be times in our course of life that we will need these gifts, talents, skills and destined people to survive.
Here’s where I stand, if you’re always praying to God to bless you or get you out of some situation, have you presented anything before Him yet that He can use to bless you or work through that to get you into a better place? It can be anything you have that is of value to you and to God. It can be the people in your life that you keep ignoring because you don’t see them with Angelic wings flying around. God blesses men through men and that systemic order will never change. Every person you meet carries a grace that you do not see. Your part in this is to be spiritually sensitive and discern when and what He is using to bless you.
Lady Abena.
Little Miracles
The Oxford Language dictionary defines a Miracle as “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.” Such an apt definition isn’t it? The bible refers to ‘Miracles’ as signs and wonders. They are inexplicable yet tangible. It is visible for ALL to see.
Whenever I am studying the bible and I come across all these amazing and wonderful things that God did, which were so visible to the human eye, I wonder at what point did we humans start to not believe in miracles any more? From Genesis to Revelation, there is not a single book of the bible that you will not be able to see a miracle that was performed or happened. This is evident that Miracles are ordained to happen in our lives daily. We shouldn’t live our lives hoping that good things might happen. We should live knowing that good things WILL happen. Even the impossible situations can become possible. Luke 1:37 AMP was very clear, “For with God nothing [is or ever] shall be impossible.” Whatever seems impossible on the human level is ALWAYS possible with God. A great man of God chants this slogan that “Whatever God cannot do does not exist”. I believe that with all of me. I have seen Him do the impossible and step into situations that people thought were going to be the end of them.
Every day and every night, there are a million little miracles flying in and out of our lives. Have you taken a moment to discern and recognize them? The same grace that has carried you from birth until now is still carrying you. You’re still standing no matter what life has thrown at you aren’t you? That alone is a miracle that you can believe in.
Expect a miracle, big, small or grand. Expect it daily. Expect favor and blessings even when you think you don’t deserve it. Expect the Lord to bring you little drops of miracles every day!. I declare it is so and so it is in Jesus’ name. AMEN!
Lady Abena
Declarations for March 2022
In Deuteronomy 1:6 NIV, Moses was recounting Israel’s history after the exodus from Egypt and the Lord has said to them when they were in Horeb that “You have stayed long enough on this mountain”. This is the story of most of us, circling around the same issues and staring at the mountains in our lives. It is time to resume our journey and head into the promised land so declare with me:
- I am taking possession of land which my Lord has solemnly promised to me.
- The Lord is adding to me a thousand times as many as I am and blessing me tremendously.
- I will not be afraid or dismayed because the Lord is with me.
- He is going ahead of me and driving out nations before me.
- I will not fear them because the Lord is fighting for me Himself.
- The lord is putting the dread and fear of me on peoples under the whole heaven and when they hear reports of me, they will tremble.
- The Lord my God is a consuming fire and in this month, I will manifest His supernatural blessings upon my life.
I declare it is so and so it is in Jesus’ name. AMEN!
Lady Abena.