Unhealthy Comparison

The ‘B’ part of 2 Corinthians 10:12 CJB says, “...In measuring themselves against each other and comparing themselves with each other, they are simply stupid.” One of the things I love about the Word of God is that everything that will happen to a person in life, you’ll find a scripture that speaks concerning it.

One of the cankers of destiny is an ‘unhealthy comparison’. For reasons I’m still asking God for wisdom on, it looks as if most people do not understand the concept of the race of life. You are uniquely built, you have a unique assignment, your pathway and destiny in life is unique. That’s an understanding that when God reveals to you, you’ll find peace and wholeness in your life’s journey. There are a lot of things to admire about people, but your prayer should be that “God, please give me my portion and my own.” The root of envy and jealousy which eventually leads to evil is unhealthy comparison.

I pray for you this week, that the Spirit of God will search through your heart and wipe out any contention and unhealthy comparison in your life. May the Lord reveal your destiny path to you and engrace you with contentment and inner peace. I declare it is so and so it is in Jesus’ name. AMEN!


Lady Abena.

Keep The Fire Burning

Leviticus 6:12(A) AMP
“The fire on the altar shall be kept burning; it shall not [be allowed to] go out.”

This scripture is a reminder that our altar of prayer and sacrifice should always be kept alive. Prayer is a major sacrifice, but it is also a sacrifice that God does not ignore. An effective prayer altar deters evil against your life and household. A life of prayer will enable you to command total victory in every area of your life. The arrows that fly by day and by night will evade you.

I heard a man once say that no matter how insane a person is, he or she will never enter a burning house. I thought it was hilarious but thinking deeply about that comment, he was quite right. Prayer will keep them away. Prayer will keep you aligned in the will of God. Prayerlessness can derail your destiny and that’s why the enemy ensures that you and I will have every excuse to not pray.

I challenge you this week to start a life of prayer if you do not have one. Limit the distractions - social media, unnecessary conversations and phone calls, and spend time talking to God. Your victory in life is in your prayer and don't let anyone cheat you out of it.


Lady Abena.

This Thing Called Motherhood!

Oh what a day to celebrate our mothers! The women who nurtured us into becoming a better version of themselves. Today is definitely a joyous day and please permit me to share some thoughts. I look forward to an extensive series on motherhood someday soon on this blog that I know will bless you.

Motherhood definitely has its perks and blessings but it also has its headaches and nightmares. Once you join the motherhood line, worry becomes your friend for life. I even worry about worrying when it comes to my child. If you’re with me on this please say Amen! He could be having the best time of his life and I’m just worried about him breaking his neck off that couch he's happily somersaulting from. Motherhood comes with tears and pain but also the most beautiful moments you’ll ever experience. Genuine, unconditional love from a child, even as undeserving as it feels sometimes, will keep you going in life especially during hard times. On some of my toughest days, my toddler will wrap his hands around me, tap my back and tell me, “you’ll be fine mommy. I love you.”His latest thing now is holding my hand and kissing the back of it and smiling so happily. I have come to understand why Jesus said you have to be like a child to inherit the kingdom of God. No malice, so forgiving, unconditional love and just pure in spirit.

To all mothers who have given their all for their children, it will not be in vain and may the Lord reward you greatly. I know I could not have made it here without my mother. She’s everything to me and my son. To any woman desiring to be a mother, according to the time of life, may the Lord see your heart and honor you with a healthy child. AMEN.

Happy Mother’s Day!


Lady Abena.