Welcome back! How was your Valentine’s Day and weekend? Did I tell you this new part of me where I keep my life simple and less complicated? 🙂 If any special occasion finds me with loads of goodies, fine with me, if it doesn’t I’m still fine. No matter how life swings, I’m alright. I’ve learned to be content like Apostle Paul said in Philippians 4:11-12 NIV,

“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.”

With my few years of experience on earth, I’ve come to understand that we get disappointed and discontented in life, mostly because we fail to meet people’s expectations of us. It’s true. It’s not even the expectations we set for ourselves, but rather, what we think other people perceive us to be or become. Question is, who are you living your life for? Others? It’s a blessing when your life can be an inspiration to others, but at no cost should you be miserable in life just to please others. Wherever God has placed you and I in life, let’s be grateful and content but by all means, add to what you have been given. Grow it like the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30).

I look at my life as a ladder which goes all the way up into the heavens and I am climbing it daily. Which means, I’m not complacent and stuck where I am, but working actively each day to get to the destination God has destined for me to be in life. I’ve shared several times that I don’t plan to ever retire from working. I work for myself and I intend to apply myself in every area God will have me as long as I am breathing. The goal is not to be working because I need money, but because I don’t want my talent, knowledge and skills to remain dormant and not bless my generations. By the many graces of God upon my life, adding His wisdom and anointing to my value and skill, I’ll never be in want or lack and neither will my children. It’s a blessing to be able to speak this boldly but it is also the truth and I work to make this truth manifest every day.

It is said that “when you stop living, you start dying” – it is so true and the same principle in this that when you stop applying yourself in life, you’ll become dormant. The devil they also say finds work for idle hands so I pray daily that my life will never be idle in any shape or form. Get busy living your purposes out and do it for God, yourself, your family and humanity. Whichever level you are currently on on your ladder of life, be content and keep working at it to get to the next level.

Be blessed this week and may the Lord increase your capacity to grow daily. AMEN!


Lady Abena.