Pray with me…..
My Father in Heaven, I thank You and bless You for bringing me into the 9th month of this year. I thank You for the preservation of my life, provision and guidance thus far this year. Abba Father, You have been faithful through it all and You have made a way even when there seemed to be no way. Just as a woman carries a child for 9 months and births, I am declaring that:

  • You are birthing your possibilities in my life this month.
  • Every vision, dream or prophecy You have revealed concerning my life is coming to fruition in this month.
  • Out of my belly will flow rivers of living waters.
  • I am a well and a fountain that will never run dry.
  • You have put a new song in my mouth this month.
  • You are surrounding me with your glory and favor in every area of my life.
  • I am shining brighter than the stars.
  • You have counted me righteous to excel in your kingdom.
  • I am a city on a hill and my light will shine over all the nations.
  • Kings are striping their robes for me and making me their King.
  • You are subduing nations before me.
  • Nations are coming to my call to partake of the glory You are birthing in my life.
  • All doors are opening in front of me and no gates are barred to my destiny.
  • You are going ahead of me and levelling the hills, shattering the bronze gates and smashing the iron bars.
  • You are giving me treasures hoarded in the dark and secret riches hidden away.
  • You will forever be the Lord who has called me by Your mighty name.

We declare that it is so and so it is in the mighty name of Jesus Christ we pray! AMEN!


Lady Abena.