As we celebrate Mother’s Day 2021, I wish all Mothers a day filled with love and blessings. May this be the day you remember the first time you held your baby in your arms. I cannot help but wonder at the fact that there are over 7 billion people on earth, and each one of us was carried in the belly of a woman. Now, whether that woman is alive or not, or whether they fully played their role as mothers in the lives of their children or not, the fact that every single person was curated in the womb of a woman remains uncontested and undeniable. This is what makes mothers irreplaceable. You cannot deny it and you cannot change it. Whatever your situation might be, whether your mother is alive or not, whether you are a mom or not, whether you have lost children and feel like there’s no one here to celebrate you or not, please know that you are celebrated and you are irreplaceable.

For all women out there who desire to be Mothers, may the Lord grant you the gift of the fruit of the womb and may your joys be full. Your children will rise and call you blessed.

Wishing you all and yours, a wonderful Mother’s Day!


Lady Abena