Dear Unbeliever – Why Do Preachers Live Extravagantly?Lady A's BlogOctober 24, 2021Read Moreby Lady Abena0 Comments8 MinutesDear Unbeliever – You Are Right – Most Christian Believers Are Broke and PoorLady A's BlogOctober 18, 2021Read Moreby Lady Abena0 Comments16 MinutesDear Unbeliever – Yes Most Christian Believers Are Hypocrites!Lady A's BlogOctober 10, 2021Read Moreby Lady Abena0 Comments8 MinutesDeclarations For October 2021Lady A's BlogOctober 3, 2021Read Moreby Lady Abena0 Comments3 MinutesDear Unbeliever – The Bible Is The Word of GodLady A's BlogSeptember 26, 2021Read Moreby Lady Abena0 Comments9 MinutesDear Unbeliever – Yes God Exists!Lady A's BlogSeptember 19, 2021Read Moreby Lady Abena0 Comments9 Minutes