The Backseat Driver

I don’t know if you have ever experienced this before but ever since my son was able to talk, he’s been trying to comment on my driving almost every time he’s strapped in the backseat. As he’s getting older, it gets worse because he notices everything ahead, around me and behind me even from my blindside. “Mom, you need to turn right, there’s a stop sign coming up, you are speeding on the highway…” He can go on for a little while and I’ve learned to ignore him because I noticed myself that I’ve been doing that with God most of the time. He just allows my son to replay it back to me and most likely smiles from Heaven when He sees us in the car.

Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT says:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”

I know this scripture so well and in all humility, I do my best to surrender to God every day, trusting Him wholeheartedly but do you know I very often behave like the backseat driver? While He is driving to the destination He knows for me, I’m in the backseat commenting;

  • “why did we make this detour Jesus?
  • “This doesn’t look like what you promised”
  • “Do I really have to do this, can’t you find someone else?"
  • “How much longer do I need to wait?”
  • “The pace is a bit slow don’t you think?”
  • “Can this go any faster?”
  • “This doesn’t fit my personality but OK?”
  • “Am I out of order on this one?”
  • “OK, keep quiet Abena and sit still”.

I can go on and on and when I finally catch myself, it dawns on me that letting go and totally surrendering to God is a daily process to overcome and definitely not a one time thing. It is overcoming fears, maturing in faith, dying to self daily and gaining mastery to withstand and receive everything that the journey can bring.

I pray for you this week, that the spirit of God will guide your life daily and give you the grace to trust Him completely to drive you to the destination He has destined for you. It is so and so it is in Jesus’ name. AMEN.


Lady Abena.

Jephthah Learned The Hard Way

In the book of Judges, chapter eleven (11), you will read about a judge who led the Israelites to war against the Ammonites. The bible states that he lived among scoundrels so pardon him for his lack of decorum but boy was he so careless. He was humble enough to ask God for help to save the nation of Israel but He made a promise to God, not fully understanding that anything you promise God must be without blemish. God is Holy and He always takes the best of the best. If you don’t remember anything, let the story of Cain and Abel’s offering to Him be your guideline.

Judges 5:30-31 NIV:
“And Jephthah made a vow to the Lord: “If you give the Ammonites into my hands, whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord’s, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.”

I bet you that Jephthah thought one of his domestic animals would be the first to run out to meet him. In today’s world, he might have owned some puppies who would have wiggled their tails to come out in glee. No, it wasn’t an animal that came out but instead, the most costly possession he ever owned - his ONLY child and daughter who was a virgin. Yup, that seems to be the only thing in Jephthah’s household without blemish and that’s what God took. Jephthah learned that making careless promises has a maximum cost and we should all learn from his pain because Ecclesiastes 5:3-4 AMP has this caution for us all;

“When you make a vow or a pledge to God, do not put off paying it; for God takes no pleasure in fools [who thoughtlessly mock Him]. Pay what you vow. It is better that you should not vow than that you should vow and not pay.”

My prayer for you this week is that as we recap and brood over our year thus far, may the Lord, out of his graciousness, empower us and grant us access to resources to honor the promises we have made to Him and to others in Jesus’ name. AMEN! God will always honor His word, the question is, will you?


Lady Abena

Declarations For November 2024

In the synoptic gospel of Luke, chapter five (5), there’s a story of Jesus ministering the word around lake Gennesaret and in the course of it, He jumped on Simon Peter’s boat and started teaching from the boat. He asked Simon to let down his net for a catch and Simon told Jesus that he’s been hustling all night and has made no catch. All the same, since Jesus asked him to let down his net, he will do it anyway. My dear friend, a miracle ensued right after that.

Here’s my practical assessment of this story, Jesus saw the frustration and fruitlessness in the efforts Simon and his fellows were making. Jesus sees ours as well. Can you imagine going through eleven (11) months this year and yet you have no results to show for your efforts? It can be a scary thing and can discourage you but there’s a God in heaven who sees our efforts and our despair so in this month of November, He is beckoning you and I to not give up and let down our nets one more time.

One more prayer, one more fasting, one more staying in obedience and one more effort on that dream you feel like giving up on. I declare with you that the same Lord, who is rich unto all, the creator of EVERYTHING on earth and in heaven will cause an eleventh hour miracle and result in our lives this month.

May it be so in our lives in Jesus’ name. AMEN.


Lady Abena