My Rear-view Mirror

Year 2005 was the first time I started to drive in this country. I was at the age where most people born and raised in the United States were already driving then. If you have been following my life you’d know I wasn’t born and raised here and for most immigrants like myself, it means we come here about 10+ years already behind in so many things. Then you have just a few years to make up that time. I’ll save that conversation for another time as I know you’ll be intrigued to read about my experiences as an immigrant in the United States.

Back to my learning on how to drive - I went to a driving school somewhere in Lanham, MD and one of the many things my teacher taught me when we will go on the road as a student driver was to make a habit of looking into my rear-view mirror every time I’m driving. He said to just make a quick glance as ideally, you have to keep your eyes on the road ahead. I asked him why then to keep looking at my back and he responded that whatever is happening behind you is equally as important or risky to what is in front of you. So, I made it a habit and especially whenever I come to a stop, whether at the traffic light or stuck in a bumper to bumper traffic, I’ll always look behind me through my rear-view mirror. Most often my eyes will come into contact with the driver behind me as he or she for some reason is also looking at me through his front-view mirror. I can share so many stories about the reaction of the people I see in my rear-view mirror; from ones who are putting on their makeup, sometimes a couple arguing, another one looking so depressed and the other looking angry - very rarely did I see people smiling. I’ll usually spend the next few minutes of my trip, trying to figure out what’s possibly going on with the person in my rear-view mirror. I’ll be doing this while now focused on the road ahead. Lately I’ll say a quick prayer for the person when I make eye contact and ask God to bless them or give them an encounter with Him.

Oftentimes I have heard people; mentors, motivational speakers, preachers and etc. say to never look back but look forward all the time. In other words, not to focus on your past or what’s happening or happened behind you. Just focus on the present and the future most will say. Well, I think my driving school teacher had a different message - that whatever is happening behind you is equally as important. I do appreciate the motivation to not dwell or get stuck in the past - but truthfully, anything that did not go right in the past can affect your present and your future and that is where most people get stuck on the past. Many people after hearing such motivational messages are quick to bury the past and try to jump to the future, only to find the past waiting for them in their future. If I should break this down, any situation that is not properly handled, resolved or addressed has the potential to harm your present or future. There are certain situations that for you to be able to move forward in the present or future, you’ll have to go back and undo or untie it from the source. If it was created by human error, it will take a human correction. I have developed a heightened sense of addressing and confronting issues and situations that happened or are happening behind me and I’d like to share that most of the breakthroughs and victories I am seeing is because I was able to trace things to the source and UNDO from that end. I really challenge you to do the same. Some of the questions we have been asking God have answers buried somewhere in the past. Undoing the past is not always a pretty thing but it can yield greater results and set you free for life.

As you surge on in life, you cannot just keep your eyes on the road ahead without taking a look at the rear-view mirror from time to time. Some of the things you’ll see in the rearview mirror will cause you to make a change in your route for the future. Some will also give you confidence that you’re driving on the right path so keep going. My rear view mirror keeps me on track for my journey ahead and I pray you’ll look at yours regularly as well.

May the Goodness and Mercies of God find you this week in all your endeavors.


Lady Abena.

Our Irreplaceable Mothers

As we celebrate Mother’s Day 2021, I wish all Mothers a day filled with love and blessings. May this be the day you remember the first time you held your baby in your arms. I cannot help but wonder at the fact that there are over 7 billion people on earth, and each one of us was carried in the belly of a woman. Now, whether that woman is alive or not, or whether they fully played their role as mothers in the lives of their children or not, the fact that every single person was curated in the womb of a woman remains uncontested and undeniable. This is what makes mothers irreplaceable. You cannot deny it and you cannot change it. Whatever your situation might be, whether your mother is alive or not, whether you are a mom or not, whether you have lost children and feel like there’s no one here to celebrate you or not, please know that you are celebrated and you are irreplaceable.

For all women out there who desire to be Mothers, may the Lord grant you the gift of the fruit of the womb and may your joys be full. Your children will rise and call you blessed.

Wishing you all and yours, a wonderful Mother’s Day!


Lady Abena

The Wireless Move of God

Whew! It’s the month of May already? I am not sure if I’m alone on this one but it looks like everytime I blink, the week is over and we are starting a new one. Christmas will be here before we all know it. It also feels like this pandemic has been here for far too long. I must say that I am so proud of us humans. Our desire and hunger to get back to our normal lives have definitely made an impact on getting these vaccines approved and helping people to get back to normalcy again. I am also happy that businesses will be able to open soon. The light seems to be shining at the end of this tunnel and we are almost there. Kudos to everyone who has weathered out this storm in one way or another.

During the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, my hunger and desire for sound teaching to help me grow in my walk with God took me to the internet. I listened to several ministers in the faith and the Holy Spirit connected me to a couple of them. They were based in Nigeria. Yes, Nigeria. I have to tell you that there is an apostolic revival emanating from that Nation. All the bad things you read about in the news that are happening in that country will not diminish what God is doing in Nigeria with His servants. I have enjoyed sound teaching and doctrine and my prayer life has been catapulted into a whole different realm just by following and watching these men of God. I know the Christian faith has been infused with so many fake people parading around that they carry the presence of God but really don't. I can assure you that these men of God that I have ‘wirelessly’ been enjoying their teachings and manifestations can only do the things they do because the Spirit of the Lord is upon them. The bible said to test all spirits and that is how you will know who truly carries the spirit of God and who doesn’t. I also connected with a prayer team based in Connecticut and another Minnesota that I have been diligently praying with. These people have all impacted my spiritual growth during this pandemic. What is marveling is the kinds of testimonies and the strange acts of signs and wonders that have been occurring through these men of God. 

Just when most believers thought that they have become used to the way that God operates; that you have to literally be present at a Christian convention or meeting, or maybe have a man of God lay hands upon you before you can experience a move of God, well, God is moving “wirelessly” like a cell phone tower. Miracles are happening just by watching a YouTube video of a service, or listening to past sermons or ministrations. It’s mind blowing and for someone like me who really aligns with tangibility, God had to give me my own testimony for me to fully understand that He is God and He can move in any way He wants to. My friends and I have been following these ministries for some time now and some of the testimonies are so good to be true. We even wondered when we can also experience these instant miracles and strange moves of God as proof. We wanted something to really assure us that these testimonies are real and God is moving. Well, something miraculous happened to me this weekend and I shared a recorded video of my testimony today, quite out of character for me. Please click here to watch it on my IGTV:

I honestly could not keep this to myself and I wanted the whole world to know that God is moving and touching people 'wirelessly’. Which means that it doesn’t matter where you are or hiding on this planet, a spoken word from Him can find you and bring you healing in every area of your life. The interesting part of my testimony is, although I have been complaining about this Lactose Intolerance, I have resigned myself to live with it as it seems to be a common issue for most people. I decided to just abstain from dairy products just so I don’t experience the pain and discomfort that comes with me eating them, especially anything to do with milk. I didn’t even know that God actually cared about even the littlest things that concern my life. I also believe He used this miracle to reassure me that He is with me and knows everything that I need and desire, and He will perfect all that concerns me. He also knew I will share this testimony with my friends and loved ones and this will also encourage them that our pursuit of Him is never in vain. 

I don’t know what you are trusting God for in your life this season but I encourage you to dial in to Him. There is truly no distance in the realm of the spirit and He can touch you right where you are. Be encouraged as I am today, knowing that the creator of the universe cares about everything concerning your life. 

Be blessed when you go out and blessed when you come in. 


Lady Abena.