Does God Hate People?

A couple of weeks ago I spoke at the Girls Conference and on the second day of the conference, I had an open discussion with the girls – answering their questions and I must say that it was eye opening for me. By the grace of the Holy Spirit, He directed me to answer each question as He wanted me to. One of the questions from the girls that stuck with me was whether God hated people who are homosexuals. She was asking because she is in High School and there have been loads of discussions surrounding gender issues and based on her faith as a Christian girl, it has been impressed on her that God hates homosexuals. I must say that I did not expect that question but I thank God for His wisdom to have answered this young lady and the almost 200 people who were present.

God DOES NOT hate anyone. The bible is clear in Genesis 1:37 (NIV), that “God saw ALL that he had made, and it was very good…”. This to me means that God cannot possibly hate anything He has created including us human beings. Further in Genesis 6, we learn of the SINS of men that the bible reports: “The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled”. The bible further describes the holiness of God – He cannot dwell among sin. That said, anything that He had commanded us humans not to do that we engage in is sin before Him and that separates us from Him. God hates sin, He doesn’t hate the human beings He created but the sins we engage in. Sin separates us from God so when it looks as if God is angry at someone or some nation, it’s because He has separated Himself from them because of the sins that are being committed. It is important to note that Jesus’ ultimate desire is that everyone will come to repentance. Which means that even in our sins, he is mercifully waiting for us to turn back to Him and follow His ways.

If you’ve ever had the same question or thought somehow that God hates you for whatever reason, be assured in your heart and spirit that He loves you more than your earthly parents ever can and He’s waiting for you to come to repentance and Holiness and walk in His ways.

May you walk in peace knowing that God loves you and desires to dwell in your heart always.


Lady Abena.

Declarations For August 2021

Pray with me....

Our Abba Father, we bless Your Holy name. We thank You for thus far You have brought us this year and we are grateful for everything and in any way You have blessed us. Father we see a lot of pain, anguish and despair among Your children so we humbly ask for Your spirit to bring us peace, provision and sound mindedness. In this month of August, we are lifting up our eyes to You - the author and finisher of our faith.

  • We confess that our help comes from You, the maker of heaven and earth.
  • That You will not let our foot slip nor will You watch us tumble over.
  • That You will watch over us because You neither slumber nor sleep.
  • You will continue to be the cover at our right hand and will not cause the sun to harm us by day, nor will the moon harm us by night.
  • Father, You will keep us from all harm and any evil - known or unknown.
  • Papa, watch over our lives and preserve us as we go out and as we come in.
  • Father may You fill us with power, love and sound-mindedness in this month.
  • May everything in our lives speak of Your glory.

We declare that it is so and so it is in the mighty name of Jesus Christ we pray! AMEN!


Lady Abena.

Perfection In Weakness

2 Corinthians 12:9 CJB: “..but he told me, “My grace is enough for you, for my power is brought to perfection in weakness.” Therefore, I am very happy to boast about my weaknesses, in order that the Messiah’s power will rest upon me.”

Lately a sense of calm has invaded my life and I am milking it for all I can get. See, I have an A+ type personality which means that I have to get EVERYTHING to align perfectly. Like any decent human, I’ve always craved for control in my life - in any and every situation I found myself in. The Holy Spirit had to do a number on me to bring me to a place of total dependence on Him. He started by pulling apart all the things I cherished and the ones I’ve invested years and resources to build and establish. He brought me to a complete bareness and of course panic set in. I became insufficient all of a sudden and that feeling of helplessness and inadequacy, I will never wish on anyone. Then He started to teach me something that has shaped my life forever - that I cannot see His power at work in my life if I’m self-sufficient.

Come to think of it, I had been praying for His power to be made manifest in my life but He couldn’t manifest because I felt a sense of stability in the things and situations I had. So, He had to allow me to bend and even break just so I could see His power come through so mightily. Every morning like clock work, the enemy reminds me of how I have lost control over things and situations in my life but Jesus proves him wrong by coming through for me daily. He just shows up and does the undoable. I have learned to take my rest in Him. I’ve told him that I don’t see the full picture nor the end of the road but I trust Him to take me there each day and He does. He was so right when He admonished us not to worry about tomorrow and I’d like to say the same to you.

I pray for you that in any situation where you’re feeling weak and defeated, let His power be made perfect in it for His name sake. May He show up for your mightily this week and perfect everything that concerns you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Lady Abena.