He Will Sift You Like Wheat!

A couple of weeks ago during a Sunday ministration service, the man of God who has had such a great influence on me said “do not negotiate with Satan”. Today during a miracle service, he said, “as long as I am alive, Satan will have no peace”. Oh that makes me so happy and do you know why? We share the same sentiments - maybe it comes from our spiritual connection. In a New Year’s Eve video that I posted on my social media, I stated something about the declaration of war between Satan and I and I had some well-meaning christians who tried to encourage me that victory is already ours as believers so there is no need to stay in warfare. I know they meant well so I graciously smiled and told them “bless your heart”. 

Truth is, when you know what's chasing you, you can make the decision on whether to give the devil a break or keep unleashing the fiery swords of heaven on him and his minions. The bible has stated clearly who and what is fighting against our destinies every day: “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12 NLT. Now, those guys mentioned in that scripture do not take a break, they don’t sleep, they don’t slumber and they don’t go on vacation. 24/7 they are at it, designing and orchestrating our demise. When all their weapons are broken, they turn to the next thing - finding legal rights and reasons to accuse you and I in the courts of heaven. Ask Job about this one how he was minding his business, doing all the right things yet Satan found a reason to accuse him before God. While we sleep, the adversary and his band of robbers are working, when we are awake they are already there working. Our biggest mistake is underestimating how determined these destroyers are. They won’t stop until you are empowered by God to stop them. As long as we are alive, the enemy desires our destruction and thus, every day is a day for spiritual warfare. I have shared on this blog how the spiritual realm will always control the physical realm. With that understanding, you cannot get too comfortable as a believer and think that warfare is for specific situations. You have to stop things in the spiritual realm from happening in the physical. It’s called being proactive. Spiritual intelligence has taught us so. Praying to prevent things is way better than praying to cure or make situations go away. 

The enemy knows how complacent we believers can get and he tried that on Peter. Being so close to Jesus and one of His favorites, what was the need for him to be in warfare mode all the time huh? Well guess what, Jesus saw ahead of time what Satan had planned for his disciples, to “sift them like wheat” so He prayed for them to prevent the full effect of Satan’s plan from happening. He didn’t make it go away, He prayed so that they could withstand whatever the attack was. I watched a video on sifting, threshing, milling and winnowing wheat and it’s quite an interesting process. Sifting looked almost like a cuddle. You have to do it gently and I’m sure the wheat felt good thinking the person sifting it loved it so much. That’s how manipulative Satan can be with us believers. Sifting is the devil’s play card, to separate believers from Christ so that he can completely finish them. He throws in complacency, and all kinds of ‘arrival mentality’ and he can even give you scriptures to back your feelings but, you sleep a little and a little slumber, then he sneaks in just when your guards are down and he brings you to your knees. We are warned in 1 Peter 5:8 ESV “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour”. Really, that’s all he does and he’s been doing it for over a billion years or however long he’s been thrown down here on earth. He doesn’t get tired of it and he won’t stop. He doesn’t discriminate and he has no compassion. Babies, children, adults, whoever you are, you are his target. He has no friends and no alliances. If you allow him to use you, please note that you’re only a weapon in his hand and he will discard you and destroy you as well when he’s done. 

I pray for you this week that going forward, you will not get too comfortable and will not negotiate with your destiny. Say to yourself that as long as you are breathing, the kingdom of darkness will not see peace. That’s my daily affirmation and reminder to ensure that they are silenced forever. Put on the full armor of God as declared in Ephesians 6:10-18 and stay on your guard and right at the Master’s feet so that the adversary will not try to sift you out since that’s his greatest desire. 


Lady Abena.

He Saved Me From Myself!


You’re wondering who aren’t you? I mean my father Jesus. I’ll tell you what, for a very long time in my life I felt like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. Honestly, I was, I kind of still do but I’ll tell you what’s happening now. During the last quarter of 2021, I got a consulting gig in New Orleans for over Two months. Then just this last Two weeks, I found myself in Santa Barbara, CA. These Two opportunities were such a blessing to me and I wondered why God brought them my way, knowing I have to be away from home?

Truth is, He knew my body, soul and spirit needed it. It was a time of some separation from my normalcy and when I was alone, I had time to think, rethink, dream and re-dream, plan and unplan. You just think about everything your brain could process and I was processing them faster than a computer’s Central Processing Unit (CPU). One thing stood out, that my life thus far hasn’t been light. It has been quite a heavy one. One of these nights, as I laid quietly in my room, I felt GOD asking me, “do you trust Me?” I said “ I DO”. Then I asked myself this time, if I trust God then why do I worry so much about everything? There was stillness everywhere and I quickly reflected on all the challenges, obstacles and situations I faced and how God prevailed and continues to prevail. So truly, why am I still worrying and keeping a long list of things that must happen and I am working so hard to figure it out on my own?

I came to the end of myself and I said a heartfelt prayer - “Father, save me from myself”. It felt like a self-deliverance session for me that night. I sensed an unusual calmness in my spirit and in my mind. Somehow I felt I had let go of something and someone was receiving it with an outstretched hand. I have taken a different approach to my life. I'll give it my ALL in excellence but not doing it on my own strength because the Lord knows I’ve crashed a few times on my own. I have to completely trust the same Father who has carried me and continues to carry me daily. To not allow any one or any situation to project any doubt, fear, worry or anxiety into my day. Even when I don’t see the sun, I will still trust Him. I know it sounds hard to do but honestly, He has never forsaken me. He has never disappointed me or abandoned me. Even the tough situations I got myself into by following my own will, He saved me from it. So why can’t I trust Him? With all the news of accidents on the road that we read every morning, has it deterred any of us from getting into our cars and driving? Look at how COVID silenced the world for almost a year, have we stopped living because of it? I even trusted the pilots to fly me safely to and from my destinations without ever thinking for a minute that they are human beings and can make mistakes.

Seriously, whichever way I turn, going to bed and waking up every morning is a risk on its own. Life is a risk and only God, the One who created it, can give us the security we need in life. I’ve written this scripture boldly on my heart and mind as a alert system to ensure that I don’t so relapse into worrisome self anymore;

Proverbs 3:5-6 AMP
Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart
And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. [a]In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].

I want the best out of life, and if Jeremiah 29:11 was spoken by Him, then I know He wants the best for me and everyone else. But, doing life on our own will cause us to crash. Whatever weight you’re carrying, can I ask you to try what I did? Leave it all to the Father and see what He does with it. You’ll be amazed - doing life with Jesus is easier!


Lady Abena.

Declarations For February 2022

Who can separate me from His love?

February is recognized as the month of love with the Fourteenth day officially declared as the day when lovers express their affection for each other with greetings and gifts. Some have expanded this day of love to include family and friends. I remember my late uncle Moore and my dad used to send me cards with some money in it when I was in High School. As I grew older, I came to understand why they did that - it was their way of keeping me away from the boys. How smart huh? They wanted me to feel the love of the father, that it supersedes any love or affection I will receive from those younglings running around campus. I know there are so many people who are hurting, disappointed in love, wondering if love will ever find them or who even feel that no one loves them. I am here to declare Romans 8:35-37 AMP over your life, that you are loved by a Father who is incomparable. 

I decree and declare that;

  • No one shall ever separate me from the love of Christ.
  • No tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword. 
  • I am more than a conqueror.
  • I have an overwhelming victory through Him who loved me so much that He died for me.
  • I am convinced and continue to be convinced—beyond any doubt that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present and threatening, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate me from the unlimited love of God, which is in Christ Jesus my Lord and savior.

I declare it is so and so it is in Jesus’ name. AMEN!


Lady Abena.