Your Pot Of Oil

In 2 Kings 4:1-7, there’s a story about a widow whose husband had passed away, left her in debt and the debtors were now demanding her only Two sons as ransom. She ran to the prophet Elisha for help and the prophet then asked her what she had in her home that was of value. I want you to notice her response in 2 Kings 4:2 AMP,

“Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have [of value] in the house?” She said, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house except a [small] jar of [olive] oil.”

She said she had “nothing except a jar of olive oil”. This is the response of most of us when we are caught in situations which leave us hanging by the thread. As you read further into the scripture, you will learn that her “nothing” was what God used to bless her and get her out of that situation. There’s a prophetic power in an “oil” and even when she didn’t see the value of it, God saw a tool that He usually uses to anoint and bless people. 

Your pot of oil might be your gifts and talents, some skill set or items in your life that God can use to transform your life. My encouragement to you this week is that you will let God use your “nothing” to do “something” in your life. I decree it is so and so it is in Jesus’ name. AMEN!


Lady Abena.

He Has The Ability

One of the many things I have learned is that, you can have power but not the ability to to enforce the power that you have. Here’s your confidence in being a child of God - He is not only powerful but He is described as OMNIPOTENT, which means He has the ability to make it happen, even beyond what you perceive. Ephesians 3:20 CJB says:

“Now to him who by his power working in us is able to do far beyond anything we can ask or imagine,”

I just want you to be encouraged in your dealings with Christ Jesus, that even when it doesn’t seem like anything is happening, when your needs and wants seem impossible, He has the power and ability to turn things around in your favor. I see His power at work in my life daily and if He can do for me what no man can, then you are not exempt from His grace. The spirit of God truly can take you from zero to a hundred in a day. Yes - a nation can be born in a day. 

I pray for you this week, that you will see the Goodness of God in everything you do and may He give you divine rest on every side. I decree it is so and so it is in Jesus’ name. AMEN!


Lady Abena.

He Told Me, “Quality Over Quantity”

I cannot even believe I’m writing this but I’ve been led in my spirit to. The last few weeks have been mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting for me. Yes, I know about balance but there comes a time in your life when everything seems to be happening at the same time and you find yourself in the middle of it and trying to capture it all without missing anything. One day this week I walked up to the giant tree in my backyard which had a hole created by the squirrels (their home). I saw them busily running in and out taking their food in there and I badly wanted to give them my cell phone to keep it. When that thought came to mind, I knew it was time to disconnect - mentally and physically. Truth is, my life doesn’t permit me to disconnect from everyone and everything and I didn’t also like the fact that I will be putting a pause on even the ministrations I have to do for God’s kingdom. 

Come Friday night I knew I had just had it - I told God, “help me” because I don’t want to crash. Later that night, I heard a phrase in my ear “quality, not quantity”. Immediately I knew it was the Holy Spirit giving me an answer to my cry for “help me”. The whole of yesterday (Saturday) I could hear it being repeated to me over and over. I woke up this morning, looked at all my text messages, emails and I started making a list of what to let go. Will I lose some people and some money? Absolutely yes but, I chose to be mentally, physically and emotionally rested so I can be more efficient and useful to God and my family, especially my son. 

I know people get antsy and worried when you go quiet especially on social media but hey, I need the break to hibernate and clean house and certain things on my schedule, commitments, etc. I need to totally whole, hearty and hale. I’ve turned down so many invitations this summer than I can count and it’s OK with me. As long as I am alive and well, there will be other days and other opportunities to take these on.

To everyone who’s feeling overwhelmed with all the good things happening and feeling like you have to do it all, NOPE - discern and choose quality over quantity. It’s not the many people or the many opportunities, it’s the quality of people and quality opportunities. 

Be blessed this week and find your peace and quiet. 


Lady Abena.