Nothing New Under The Sun

Did you read the blog from Jan 29, 2023 yet? In it, I shared that we will be embarking on a journey with “The Teacher” in the next few weeks. “The Teacher” said in Ecclesiastes 1:9 NLT that, “History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.”

One of my favorite channels on TV is the History Channel. I really like their documentaries. One of the documentaries I watched which greatly impacted me was called “The Men Who Built America”. I’m no history buff, just a lady who’s very curious about what happened before I was born. I like to learn about how people lived back then, what challenges they faced, were they happy in those times, are we more miserable now than they were? Was life much simpler and more prim? Did the people anticipate that a day will come when we will be living in this generation of high level technology and all? You just name it and I think about all of it. A few times in a day, I allow my mind and spirit to drift into realms I can’t fully explain in words. Some days, I’m just assessing everything that’s playing out in life, comparing and contrasting what was, what is and anticipating what is yet to come.

Truthfully, life seems like a recycle of events and happenings. We are just different players but the playing field hasn’t changed. Everything that happens now has happened in the past and will repeat itself in the future - just that the turn of events and how we react and counteract situations might be different. So, in all truth, “The Teacher” is correct - We don’t remember what happened in the past, and in future generations, no one will remember what we are doing now. Everything is meaningless because it’s a repetitive cycle that we live in. (Ecclesiastes 1: 11, 2 NLT paraphrased).

In my own words, I’ll say that do the most you can while you can. Whatever you’re experiencing now has happened before and will be history in the future. There’s really nothing new under the sun because nothing stays forever except God.


Lady Abena.

Declarations for February 2023

This past week has been grueling for me in many forms. So much so that I felt a weakness and weariness in me - physically and spiritually and I’ve spent my weekend trying to RESET. Sometime this afternoon, I was praying and I asked God to fight for me, avenge me and protect me because I feel quite weak. I heard a condemning voice that said “ why should God fight for you?” Immediately I heard the voice of God speak to me through with this exact scripture;

“My grace is sufficient for you [My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough—always available—regardless of the situation]; for [My] power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [your] weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:8 AMP

Oh how blessed we are that the spirit of God can intercept any wrong voice that is not from Him.
So I declare upon my life and yours, that in this month of February, whichever way the enemy will swing his arrows, try to break down our walls and defenses, create havoc and chaos in our lives,

  • may the Power of God which has been perfected in our lives, be made stronger in our weaknesses and in every situation.
  • We will not be afraid because He is our God and He is with us.
  • Our God will strengthen us, He will help us in any and every situation.
  • We will stay strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.
  • As we wait on the Lord daily, He shall renew our strength and we will mount up with wings like eagles. We will run and not be weary, we will walk and not faint.

I declare it is so and so it is in Jesus’ name. AMEN!


Lady Abena.

A Journey With “The Teacher”

I don't remember exactly the first time I heard a scripture from the book of Ecclesiastes, but, within the last couple of years, I’ve had a chance to read the bible from cover to back, twice, and now in my third year reading it again. It was during these studies that I became intrigued about the book of Ecclesiastes. I’ve also looked at a few commentaries and debates as to whether King Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes or some unknown author. However, the opening of the book says “These are the words of the Teacher,[a] King David’s son, who ruled in Jerusalem”. Even as you read all Twelve (12) chapters, there are so many references that point to King Solomon. I personally believe that King Solomon had a lot of influence on the book of Ecclesiastes.

What’s important is, while I love the book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes on the other hand gives me a reality check. I kid you not, if you haven’t studied it yet, then embark on this journey with me in the weeks ahead. I’ll be sharing with you various scriptures in the book of Ecclesiastes that you and I can chat about and see how real it gets. It will open your mind, your heart and perception. Matter of fact, it will bring you a resolve to many of the life questions and things you struggle with.

Just to share something funny with you, in the last few days, my closest friends have been wondering what’s up with me because anytime they bring up an issue, I quote Ecclesiastes and they fall off their backs laughing. I know they think it’s funny but they also know it’s real. To the point where now, when I ask them “should I read something in Ecclesiastes for you”, they’ll quickly beg to say “NO, we’ve heard you read it all”. (Laughing hard).

Well, since you have not heard me read it all, here’s your chance to indulge me as we face our realities this year and overcome them. Some bible versions call the author of Ecclesiastes, “The Preacher”, and others call him “The Teacher”. I like to reference him as “The Teacher” because boy does he teach us about life.

Welcome again and thank you for joining me on this intriguing journey with “The Teacher” every week. You’ll be greatly blessed.


Lady Abena.