When You Become Restless

In Genesis 27, you will encounter a young brother who cheated his older brother out of his father’s blessings and his birthright. This is the story of Jacob and Esau and if you have never heard of them, I encourage you to read the book of Genesis. It’s a very powerful story and I’ve heard so many different sermons on it and some questions and controversies as well. I’m here to focus on a revelation God gave me sometime ago through this scripture, Genesis 27:40 NKJV,

"By your sword you shall live,
And you shall serve your brother;
And it shall come to pass, when you become restless,
That you shall break his yoke from your neck.”

Esau's father (Isaac), laid out all the challenges Esau will encounter in his life because of the blessings he missed and by all accounts, Esau was going to suffer and even become a servant to his younger brother, Jacob. I don’t know about you but hearing how grim your destiny and future will be will make anyone feel defeated already. It sounded like a prophecy of doom to Esau but, Isaac gave him a way out, that when he (Esau) becomes restless and rejects this negative life, when he makes a conscious decision to break free from this curse, he will be able to shake this yoke or burden off his life. That is the same for you and I. It does not matter what life has dealt you, where or how you started. It doesn't even matter what is coming ahead. What matters is, if you accept situations, they will remain as is. When you are determined to make a change, restless in your spirit man and body, you will do whatever it takes to find solutions to your problems. I have tons of testimonies I can share with you to let you know how certain negative patterns in my life had to break because I became restless with them and I refused to accept them any longer or even nurture the problems. I engaged the Holy Spirit and the word of God and I went into battle with the enemy to reclaim my destiny and my blessings because according to scripture, Christ Jesus has already given me victory over 2000+ years ago, I just had to reclaim what is rightfully mine.

I pray for you this week, that any and every situation in your life that does not speak the glory of Jesus Christ or has mocked God in your life, may the Holy Spirit create a restlessness in your spirit man and give you His spiritual intelligence and weapons to break free from that situation in Jesus’ name. May He empower you to self-deliverance and freedom from ancient and ancestral bondages. May the anointing cause a release for you in every area of stagnation and imprisonment. Be free because the Son of man has set you free. AMEN!


Lady Abena

Declarations For July 2023

Welcome to the second half of 2023. Last night in my time of intimacy with the Holy Spirit, He laid this in my spirit and I’d like to share with anyone out there who is wondering how the rest of the year will play out in your life. Wondering if new battles will erupt or the Lord is finally going to give you rest? Here’s what the Lord says to you;

Even if all the nations raise a war cry or come together to war against you - they will all be shattered.
If they prepare for battle or engineer weapons to fight you, they will still be shattered.
If they gather their councils of war and devise a strategy against your life - those strategies will be rendered worthless. All their evil plans and purposes will not stand because the Lord is with us.
Our Immanuel will prevail. So, fear not and take on the rest of the year with grace and valor.
You’ve already won! (Isaiah 8:9-10, paraphrased)

I decree and declare that it is so and so it is in Jesus’ name. AMEN!


Lady Abena.

The Heart Of The Father

In the past Four (4) years, I’ve been on a journey of building intimacy with God through prayer and spending loads of time studying His word. While I am blessed to see a different dimension of God each day, one attribute of Him that has stood out daily is His heart as a Father towards me.

I have built a stronger and more intimate relationship with God than I’ve ever had with my earthly dads (my biological father and my step-daddy, both who love me unconditionally and dearly). I never thought I’d ever say this but it is true. There are things I bring to God, pour out to Him that no one really knows except Him. I have found this freedom in being able to share EVERYTHING with Him. On the days that He gives me the gift of His presence, it’s so overwhelming I become speechless and I just find myself crying all through.

I see His forgiving heart towards me daily. I have seen His protective side as well, instructing the angels to keep charge over me every day. He has provided for me daily and continues to. I’ve seen Him comfort me on many nights when I felt I could not make it and I know the pep talks He will have with me on those nights to get me back to full strength. I have seen Him teach me things I do not know and give me understanding in my confusion. He usually will warn me of what’s coming ahead and the times that I did not make some good choices or decisions, I saw His disciplinary side towards me and I’ll spare you the details on this one. Even in His discipline, His mercy trumps any punishment I deserve. When you read Deuteronomy 1:31: "There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.", that scripture is how He is dealing with me daily, carrying me in the palms of His hands.

The mind blowing part of this Father-daughter relationship is His love which is so overwhelming I can’t wrap my head around it. To be able to see how much He loves me and His heart towards me, it makes me feel invincible sometimes. I get lost immensely in the knowledge that God truly loves and cares deeply for me. He knows me, and everything about me. It’s the kind of love that no man, born of humankind can ever measure up to. It’s pure, it’s without merit and it’s everlasting. Sometimes in my weakness, I try to run from it but He chases me down and finds me so really, I can’t run away from Him and I could never repay Him for His love. It’s that love that brings me peace and makes me feel so secure in life. Going to bed feeling loved and waking up knowing that His love and goodness is renewed for me and better each day, is a place only He can bring you to. I’m spoiled by the Father and I’ll have it no other way.

I can write thousands of pages about the heart of my Father Jesus and the relationship He has with me, but I pray for you that if you have never experienced His heart, you will make a decision this week to embark on a journey of intimacy with Him so He can show you who He truly is. He is without question the “One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4:6).


Lady Abena