Today, April 01, 2024, the Lord has blessed me with 16,060 days on earth. I have a lot to thank Him for and at the same time I am also reminded of my journey thus far which has been painful for the most part. If you do not know what perseverance looks like, you’re staring at one (ME). Living out God’s will and purposes with all the odds against me. The worst part about today is the fact that my father is lying cold in a morgue awaiting burial. In my current state I cried out to God and He reminded me of this scripture in Job 14:7-8, that even if a tree is cut down and its roots grow old and the stump even dies in the soil, at the scent of water, that tree will bud again and put forth shoots like a plant. (Paraphrased).

Every prayer, wish, blessing I have received this day has all been aligned to what God is declaring in my life. My mother had a powerful message delivered to me from God – I wish I could share this but it’s one I am keeping so close to my heart and life. Declare the following with me:

  • Lord, you’re the God of all flesh – nothing is too hard for you.
  • What is impossible with man is ALWAYS possible with you.
  • I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours concerning my life can be thwarted.
  • That all things are possible with you and through you.

I declare it is so and so it is in Jesus’ name. AMEN!


Lady Abena.