Declarations For September 2023

The ninth month of the year is one I get super excited about. Why? Because everything that has been cooking in the realm of the spirit is about to manifest this month in the name of Jesus. AMEN! John 16:21 says that, “A woman, when she is in labor, has sorrow because her hour has come; but as soon as she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.”

On this word I declare that the blessings, miracles and the supernatural move of God that will be birthed in our September will wipe away every anguish and sorrow we have endured thus far this year. May this month bring an end to every shame and humiliation. May our joys be full this month and our blessings be as numerous as the sand. I decree that September will not end without us experiencing the great hand of the Almighty God. It is so and so it is in Jesus’ name. AMEN!


Lady Abena.

The Fruit Of Kindness

There’s a famous quote by the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu, which says, “Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” ― Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

One of the key qualities of our God is His ability to “give exceedingly and abundantly above all that we can ask or think”. Ephesians 3:20. Being able to give is one of the greatest gifts of the Holy Spirit. You feel blessed when you’re being a blessing to others. Imagine how much we have all benefited from people who sacrificed their time and knowledge to ensure that the world is headed to a more modern and efficient lifestyle. The world needs more givers because there are still so many people who struggle to even make it through the day. Giving is not always material, you can give time, a word of encouragement, a prayer, a smile, a hug or even a listening ear to someone who needs it.

I pray for you this week that you will find in your heart, ways and means through which you can be a blessing to others around your life. Every little bit will go a long way to make the world a better place for someone. Just start in your corner where you are. May the Lord bless you abundantly so you can always be a blessing to His kingdom. I declare it is so and so it is in Jesus’ name. AMEN!


Lady Abena.

The Fruit Of Forbearance

Since I’m speaking for myself, let me just confess that I am a work in progress when it comes to forbearance - tolerating people and making room for their mistakes and errors. I know it might come as a shock to some people who know me quite well because they believe that I have a high-level of tolerance for others. I honestly don’t. My mother on the other hand is a whole vibe and I wish I could be more like her. My mom will see the good in people even when there’s none. I learned a lot from her but it’s still a challenge for me. You’re free to judge me on this one if you’d like to.

There’s a proverbial saying in my culture that “if they do it to you and you don’t show it hurts, they will not stop doing it.” In other words, if you give someone a mile of advantage over you, they will take ten (10) more miles and I have unfortunately been a victim of this hence my intolerance now. I have seen a few errors in life, it seems like the people you show more grace and love to are the ones who usually will cross the lines and do the worst to you. The Holy Spirit has done a tremendous work with me in the area of forgiveness so I am able and quick to forgive, but, my walls go up and I plaster my boundaries in RED ink so you know there will not be another chance to cross over it. It’s my protective instinct because honestly, who wants to get hurt, bruised, betrayed and offended over and over again.

Have you read Matthew 5:38-48 yet? Please do so because I am convicted each time I read it but it’s helping me grow and I believe it will help you too. There’s something about motherhood that enlarges your capacity to tolerate the things you cannot even stomach. Ephesians 4:2 has become my guiding light and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I’m creating a bit more allowance in my life for “repeat offenders.”

Ephesians 4:2 NLT
Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.

I pray for you that if you struggle in this area as I do, may the Lord give you strength and grace to forbear. I declare it is so and so it is in Jesus’ name, AMEN!


Lady Abena.