Welcome to the second half of 2023. Last night in my time of intimacy with the Holy Spirit, He laid this in my spirit and I’d like to share with anyone out there who is wondering how the rest of the year will play out in your life. Wondering if new battles will erupt or the Lord is finally going to give you rest? Here’s what the Lord says to you;

Even if all the nations raise a war cry or come together to war against you – they will all be shattered.
If they prepare for battle or engineer weapons to fight you, they will still be shattered.
If they gather their councils of war and devise a strategy against your life – those strategies will be rendered worthless. All their evil plans and purposes will not stand because the Lord is with us.
Our Immanuel will prevail. So, fear not and take on the rest of the year with grace and valor.
You’ve already won! (Isaiah 8:9-10, paraphrased)

I decree and declare that it is so and so it is in Jesus’ name. AMEN!


Lady Abena.