Do you hear all the Christmas songs playing in the stores, on the radio and even in your sleep? Yes! In just a few days Christmas will be here and right after that we hop into a New Year. I’ve started to review my year in totality and every time I try to list my blessings, my heart is filled with tears. Jesus is faithful. He has been faithful and He will remain faithful. What was said concerning Him in Revelations 19:11(A)AMP is true:

“And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who was riding it is called Faithful and True (trustworthy, loyal, incorruptible, steady)…”

In the last few days, all I keep hearing in my spirit is this Ghanaian song about Jesus keeping His vows. I didn’t even know the song so it was my lovely assistant who sang it to me and I learned the words. Yes the Holy Spirit can lay a song on your heart and you have to go find it. When you do, it speaks the exact words He wants you to hear. It’s been playing in my head 24/7 and I can’t get rid of it :).

“Yesu Wo Mafa” by Norris Osei

These words are yours too – because the Lord is on your side, and because He is not a man that He will lie, believe it that whatever He has said He will do in, through and around your life – He will honor His word. My prayer this season is to be aligned with the Holy Spirit to cause His word to manifest in our lives.
I pray that you will see His word come alive in your life before the clock strikes 2023. AMEN!


Lady Abena.