This weekend on the ‘Woman To Woman’ broadcast, we looked at the story of Hagar, the Egyptian slave girl who bore the first child to Abraham. You can click here to re-watch it. There’s a lot to learn from her experiences but one that stood out for me was the fact that God met Hagar both times in the desert. I don’t think that even Hagar thought that God cared enough about her plight. First of all, she was an Egyptian who didn’t even believe in the God of Israel. Yet, the Lord showed himself to her in her worst moment, not only once but twice. (Read Genesis 16 and 21).

So, how much more you and I who have believed and daily call on the name of God. Sometimes, when life is throwing its storms your way, God can seem very far away or even appear to be unconcerned. Be rest assured through Hagar’s story that God sees you right where you are. He knows any and everything you are going through and He has something to say about the situation. Yes – God speaks and I pray that just as He spoke to Hagar and brought a resolution to her, may He speak in any and every situation in our lives this week.

I declare it is so and it is in Jesus’ name. AMEN!


Lady Abena.