The first time I heard “Holy” placed in front of anything with a negative connotation was in mid August of 2020 when a friend of mine, Mary-Anne, woke me up around 3am in the morning because she had awoken out of a dream about me and she said it was so good that she had a “Holy Jealousy” towards me. Yes, “Holy Jealousy”. She noticed I couldn’t relate to the term so she further explained that it’s jealousy but in a Godly way. Lately, I have been hearing a lot about “Holy” this or that and one of them that peaked my attention was “Holy Anger”. I understood this term to be an anger that arises out of injustice or some sin towards you or others. I think it’s anger that emanates from a deeper core of your faith when something is not done right or done unfairly.

I was referred to Matthew 21:12-13 (ESV), “when Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’ “. In these verses, I could sense the anger of Jesus – it was a Holy Anger that resulted from the desecration of the house of God. It was a justified anger which resulted in effecting the right change in the temple of God.

I bring this further down to our daily lives – the enemy is constantly poking at our doors of destiny. I don’t know what has gone wrong in your life, what delays you are experiencing in your destiny but that should arouse a Holy Anger in you to stand and fight the enemy. God revealed to us through the prophet Jeremiah that His plans for us are good, to prosper us and to give us hope for a future. Thus, anything that does not reveal these good plans in your life should anger you enough to stand and claim your rightful place in God’s Kingdom. The days of sitting back and watching life unfold are over. This is the season where the spirit of God has come to dwell with His people. Therefore, whatever does not belong in your life, whatever was due you that has been stolen or lost, anything you desire to live in peace and prosperity that the enemy has blocked, be angered enough to engage in spiritual warfare to see it move. Satan and his crew are already angered enough at your very existence and will stop at nothing to see that you are destroyed – just return a favor to them.

Jesus was so passionate about the things of His father, so much that he went ‘bonkers’ on seeing people defaming His temple. If you are passionate about the things that God has unveiled for your life, and you desire to see them come true for you, then let a Holy Anger erupt through you so you can claim back your “temple” as Jesus did.

Every Thursday night from 10pm to 11pm EST, New York time, a group of ladies from all over the world, join to pray via zoom. It is a prayer that is born out of a Holy Anger to see the right hand of God in our lives. I invite you to join us via Zoom ID: 984 740 1223 Password 14801.

May the hand of God move in your life this week and perfect everything that concerns you. May He reveal areas in your life that you need to engage the Holy Spirit on to see the victorious hand of God. May His goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life. Amen.

Lady Abena.