Declarations for December 2022

The Lord laid a simple yet powerful declaration on my heart for this season - “IT WILL END IN PRAISE!” I don’t know what your year has been like thus far but in a few days from today, we will draw the curtain on 2022. A lot of anxiety, unfulfilled promises and panic among so many other emotions but hear what God has to say to us, that our 2022 will end in praise.

“The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, says the LORD of hosts. And in this place I will give peace, declares the LORD of hosts.’” Haggai 2:9 ESV.

Whatever the end of 2022 brings, it will be for His glory and an inner peace in your body, soul, mind and spirit that transcends all human understanding. I declare that 2022 will end in praise and glory for you and I. It is so and so it will be in Jesus’ name. AMEN!


Lady Abena.

Happy Thanksgiving 2022

Many are the wondrous works of our God. This year 2022, I have seen the goodness of the Lord.
My spirit, body and soul is thankful. I am thankful for you who took the time to read my blogs this year.
I pray that as you take this weekend to bless God, He will erect a fountain of blessings in our lives that will cause us to daily go on your knees to say “Thank You Jesus”.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.


Lady Abena.

Tea And Bread

I remember growing up, the rule was to ensure that anytime you are drinking tea, there’s also bread with it. Where I come from, it’s a go to meal usually for breakfast and some people like my dear mom needs to have ‘Tea and Bread” before going to bed. Whatever you do, please don’t ask me why because I used to do it as well. “Tea and Bread” is regarded as your daily sustenance and for most of us, we go to God asking for it daily. It seems like an easier meal to get your hands on which can give your stomach a great fill and satisfaction.

The revelation about asking God for our “Tea and Bread” comes from Matthew 6:11 AMP, Give us this day our daily bread.” The COVID season was a tough one for me as I found my resources depleting because of the halt on business that this pandemic had created. I was praying to God for even basic things and fear began to grip me at some point - wondering if God will come through quick enough. It was in this place of prayer that I felt the Holy Spirit telling me not to come in prayer asking for “Tea and Bread”. I was confused and felt God was being unfair to me because there were people who will testify of how God gave them their “Tea and Bread” and I thought to myself, why won't you give me mine too?

Well, the revelation that ensued is what changed my life - God didn’t want me asking for “Tea and Bread” but instead, to ask Him to show me where the field is, give me the seeds of wheat to plant, hire workers who will cultivate the land, build a bakery and produce my own “Tea and Bread” that will never run out. That’s it! When I caught that revelation, I got to work just as He had outlined and I know now for a fact that my “Tea and Bread” will never run out again.

If you're wondering why God hasn’t brought you your “Tea and Bread”, He wants to create something in your life that will make you the producer of the “Tea and Bread” so that you can be a blessing to many. Ask Him this week to direct you to the field and give you the seed and resources you need to get started. He will not fail you!