Merry Christmas 2023

Oh what a wonderful day it is! There’s something about Christmas mornings that make me feel giddy. I’m right there with the kids - although I don’t get any wrapped gifts anymore. That’s the part of adulthood I do not like. BUT, I always count it as a joy to be able to bless others especially during Christmas.

My wish and prayer for you in this season is that you will experience true peace, the one that the Lord gives. May your hearts and homes be filled with joy that cannot be measured. May the Lord grant you all your wishes and heart desires.

I wish you an abundance of LOVE!


Lady Abena.

The Thief Of Time

The English poet, Edward Young, wrote in 1742 that “Procrastination is the thief of time.” I, like most of you, learned this quote in my early childhood and it has stuck with me up until this day. The literal meaning of this idiom is that delaying or postponing something that you know you need to do will only waste your time and possibly your life. I see a lot of life wasters each day. It doesn’t take me more than a Ten (10) minute conversation with someone to discern if they like to mark time or if this person is actually a doer.

We as humans have this cloud of perception that we are here on earth forever. Another quote from Edward Young says that “All men think all men are mortal but themselves.” No my dear people, our days are like a fleeting shadow, the Psalmist said and each sunrise that you get to experience is one day less of your days here on earth. John 9:4 ESV warns that “We must work the works of him who sent us while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work.

As we draw the curtains on 2023, look for any life wasters that have stolen your time and life, then make a commitment to move to action. Never forget that "the hand of the diligent will always rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor." (Proverbs 12:24 ESV). I pray for you this week that the Lord will give you His enabling grace to accomplish what you have purposed in your heart. AMEN!


Lady Abena.

My Kind Of December

When I was growing up, we always had a big family meeting on the first day of January. In preparation for those meetings, I spent most of my December taking an inventory of what I’ll be telling my parents and everyone present on what I liked and disliked about them and our lives. Call it a little girl’s mind but I did give it much thought and preparation.

As I straddled along the path of life and adulthood, I still kept the inventory part - this time not taking inventory on likes and dislikes of family members instead, I conducted a sincere assessment of every area of my life. What worked, what didn’t work and why it didn’t work. I review my failures and also my accomplishments. I write down my visions for the coming year, set some SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely) goals for myself and also challenge myself to do better and grow higher.

The bible reminds us in Proverbs 29:18 that, “ Where there is no vision, the people perish...” This is very true. If you’re one who goes to crossover nights on December 31 with no vision written out for coming year, maybe it’s time to make a change? You can’t live your life on chance and whatever you purpose in your heart to accomplish or change, you will hold yourself accountable to get it done.

I pray for you that this will be your kind of December too where you’ll spend a deeper time with yourself, conduct an honest and sincere assessment of every facet of your life and make some strong decisions and choices for the upcoming year. I’ll circle back with you at the same time next year and I can promise you that you’ll be amazed at what you would have accomplished. Yes, you can do this!


Lady Abena.