Yes we made it and did you think you weren’t going to? NAH! Listen, the Lord has poured His oil on us and I want you to declare Psalms 89:20-37 AMP (Paraphrased) with me. That the Lord:

  • Has found me and has anointed me with His holy oil.
  • His hand shall be established and steadfast on me and His arm will also strengthen me.
  • The enemy will not outwit me, Nor will the wicked man afflict or humiliate me.
  • He will crush my adversaries before me and strike those who hate me.
  • His faithfulness and His steadfast lovingkindness shall be with me.
  • And in His name shall my horn be exalted [great power and prosperity shall be conferred upon me].
  • He will also set my hand on the [Mediterranean] sea, and my right hand on the rivers [the tributaries of the Euphrates].
  • I will cry to Him, ‘You are my Father, My God, and the rock of my salvation.’
  • He will also make me His firstborn (preeminent), the highest of the kings of the earth.
  • His lovingkindness He will keep for me forevermore, and His covenant will be confirmed to me.
  • My descendants He will establish forever, and my throne [will endure] as the days of heaven.
  • If my children turn away from His law, and do not walk in His ordinances, If they break His statutes and do not keep His commandments, then He will punish their transgression with the rod [of discipline], and [correct] their wickedness with stripes. Nevertheless, He will not break off His lovingkindness from me, nor allow His faithfulness to fail. 
  • Lord, You will not violate your covenant nor will You alter the utterance of Your lips over my life. 
  • Once [for all] You have sworn by Your holiness, [Your vow which cannot be violated]; You O Lord my God, will not lie to me.
  • My descendants shall endure forever and my throne [will continue] as the sun before You. It shall be established forever like the moon, and the witness in the heavens is ever faithful.” Selah. 

I declare it so and so it is for me and my household this year in Jesus’ name. AMEN! Happy Glorious New Year to you!


Lady Abena.