I recently watched a video on TikTok where someone shared that we must grieve with purpose. In other words, turn the pain and anger of grieving into supporting a cause that your loved one was passionate about. This, I think, is very commendable and I am applying that to my own grieving process.

This past weekend I had a gathering of friends and loved ones to honor my father’s life and legacy. It was very evident throughout my dad’s course of life that he was very passionate about education and helping the less fortunate. For the last few weeks, I’d been deliberating silently on how to honor his legacy and God laid it on my heart in clear words, to set up an educational fund to support orphanages in buying school supplies for the children at the start of their school terms. I really needed a confirmation from God that what I have purported in my heart will glorify His name, thereby honoring my father’s legacy and God confirmed it with me in the way He always does. Here’s how He confirmed it – I received an invitation to chair an event for a men’s only organization in North America and as fate will have it, my father was part of this organization back home in Ghana so I knew it was no coincidence but by divine ordination. When I received the agenda for the event from the organizer the night before, I saw that they would be launching an educational fund as part of the festivities I had been asked to chair.

Ladies and gentlemen, when your heart is set on things that bless humanity thereby glorifying God, He approves. I heard the Holy Spirit whisper to me that “here’s your confirmation so proceed” so I did, and I shared with my guests during my event last weekend about my desire to set up an educational fund to support orphans, and they thought it was a notable cause and supported it generously. May the Lord prosper all of them all for their generosity towards this cause.

As further confirmation, I’ll receive a message from an orphanage in Kampala, Uganda that I support just three days ago, sharing with me that the kids have not been able to go to school since the new term started because they do not have enough funds to pay the tuition and buy school supplies and they asked for my help. Again, the Holy Spirit whispered in my ear, “here’s your second confirmation so proceed” and I did send them help. I pray for grace, strength and resources to keep this educational fund going to help children in orphanages.

I also pray for you this week that you will find purpose in every situation you are going through no matter how grim and use that purpose to glorify God. I declare it is so and so it is in Jesus’ name. AMEN!


Lady Abena.