Sometime in year 2022 I read a book by a father of faith, Smith Wigglesworth, called “Manifesting the power of God: Walking in God’s Anointing” and in my reading, the evangelist had one mantra which was the basis his faith that, “if God said it, I believe it! That settles it!” I have to be honest that it was not easy to fully jump on this mantra at first because there were a lot of things God had spoken concerning my own life and none of them were manifesting at the time and in my mommy’s words, “when the promise is delayed, our hope begins to fade.” A part of me wanted to make it my own mantra as well and the other part of me was saying, it will only be a feel good mantra for you Abena.

With fervent and consistent prayer, my heart started shifting to actually believing this mantra fully even when the things I was trusting God for had not materialized. I read every instance in the bible where God’s word came to pass no matter how many years (some of those years will scare you enough but I knew God will hasten His word). I ingrained Numbers 23:19 in my mind, body and soul that;

God is not human, that he should lie,
not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill?

Dear reader, God reconfigured my entire system and I believed Him to a point where the things He had said started to manifest right before my eyes. I say this to you that you need a surrendered faith to move God to action. For the integrity of His name and His word, if your faith is activated, you leave Him no choice but to come and honor what you have believed Him to do.

I pray for you this week, that the Holy Spirit will rekindle your faith daily so you can begin to manifest the things God has spoken to you concerning your life. I declare it is so and so it is in Jesus’ name. AMEN!


Lady Abena.