I’ve heard it said that “JOY is a fetcher”, joy attracts good and happy things to you. Experiencing JOY in your life is a characteristic of the Holy Spirit. The Oxford language dictionary defines JOY as “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness”. I don’t know about you but I’d like to spend the rest of my life experiencing joy daily. An inexplicable kind of joy no matter the circumstances. What a glorious life that will be. The domain in which God dwells is one of great joy and happiness. There’s no sorrow in Heaven and we should strive to experience Heaven right here on earth.

Having joy in our lives is so important for the Holy Spirit – so much so that He will plant a seed of joy in your heart to ensure that you never lose your joy irrespective of the circumstances you’re in. “A broken spirit dries up the bones”, (Proverbs 17:22(b)), so it is God’s desire that our hearts, minds, bodies and souls be joyful always. A joyful heart is a kind of medicine that keeps your body and spirit whole. Joy draws so much goodness into your lives. I don’t want to be around a miserable person for so long, do you? “Misery loves company” and so does joy. When you make an intentional effort to be joyous, it infects everything around your life.

Let me encourage you this week with the words of Apostle Paul, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice”. Philippians 4:4 ESV. Whatever storm is currently raging in your life, may the Joy of the Holy Spirit calm it and bring you peace. May the Lord answer you when you call so your joy may be full. May you experience the kind of joy that caused King David to dance with his clothes off before the Lord. May that joy be your portion in Jesus’ name. AMEN!


Lady Abena