In Genesis 39 AMP, you’ll find the story of Joseph when he was sold to Potiphar in Egypt. Let me clarify that Potiphar was not a worshiper of the God of Israel – he was a pagan BUT, the bible notes something remarkable that Potiphar was able to discern that Joseph was no ordinary slave.

Genesis 39:3 AMP
3 Now his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord caused all that he did to prosper (succeed) in his hand.

The definition of DISCERNMENT according to the Oxford Language Dictionary is “(in Christian contexts) perception in the absence of judgment with a view to obtaining spiritual guidance and understanding.”

Truthfully, most people, especially believers in the body of Christ, lack this gift and wisdom. Hence, our shadowboxing in life. We cannot discern our days of visitation, we fail at identifying the value and graces on the lives of people that God connects us to. Some of us have missed our opportunities in life and our destiny helpers because of lack of discernment. My fervent prayer daily, especially as I meet different people from all walks of life, is this, “Father, reveal who they are to me and how I need to relate to them to receive the blessings and the lessons”.

I pray the same for you this week, that your discerning eye, ear, heart and mind will be as sharp as lightning. May you not miss your moment of visitation and may you not miss the people that God has destined for your life. DISCERN! AMEN!