If you are a believer in Christ and you have not heard this scripture yet, then come on, let’s have a joint bible study shall we? It’s Jeremiah 1:5 NIV:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew[a] you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
This weekend I had the honor of being at a few events where God was catapulting people into the destinies he had designed for them. As I was praying on Friday night, I was directed to this scripture again. I started drifting into the thoughts and visions of how God thought of creating someone like you and me. He thought of how He wanted us to look, which family we will be born into, what He wanted us to accomplish on earth and how He desired to grow and develop His relationship with us. He even knew how Satan will try to steal us away from His purposes and His loving kindness and He also thought about the many times we will betray Him and break His heart but will run back to Him and He will still welcome us with a big bear hug.
I can go on and on so let me sum it up, YOU ARE NOT A MISTAKE! However much the storms of life have made you question even your very existence – never forget that before God started to form you in your mommy’s womb, He already knew you. I pray for you that this will be the week that you see a confirmation of how much God loves and adores you. I declare it is so and so it is in Jesus’ name. AMEN!
Lady Abena.