In Revelations 5 AMP, we see the coronation of Jesus Christ and what I love most about this chapter is that it reveals the power He gained through His resurrection. The victory He won for us, the beloved (children of God), is second to none. The Twenty-Four Elders, the angels and all creatures in heaven bow, exalt and worship Him because of what He accomplished for us through the sacrifice of His death. What I have been struggling with for some time now is why this victory seems almost non-existent in most believers’ lives. We live defeated, discouraged and deflated by the whims of life. Every wind seems to find us and toss us left and right. Most of us have done all we could, prayed all we can pray and fasted all we can. It’s as if the victory of his resurrection missed us even when the bible says in Romans 8:11 that the same power that resurrected Him from death dwells within us, (paraphrased).

I became restless in my spirit and started my own pursuit to understand what it really means to have the complete life in Christ Jesus. Revelations 5:9-10 AMP clearly reveals that through His sacrifice, He has placed us in His kingdom and that we are supposed to reign on earth – not just to exist and suffer through life. Please read below…

“And they sang a new song [of glorious redemption], saying, “Worthy and deserving are You to take the scroll and to break its seals; for You were slain (sacrificed), and with Your blood You purchased people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom [of royal subjects] and priests to our God; and they will reign on the earth.”

Well, the last Two (2) weeks have been instrumental for me as almost every message I listened to, hammered on the power of God which gave us Dominion over all His creation. One of my mentors was ministering and drew attention to Revelations 5:12-13 AMP. Well, let’s just say this scripture was the resolve to my restlessness

“Saying in a loud voice, “Worthy and deserving is the Lamb that was sacrificed to receive POWER and RICHES and WISDOM and MIGHT and HONOR and GLORY and BLESSING.” Revelations 5:12 AMP.

These Seven (7) things in CAPS in that scripture above is what equals a complete and total life in Christ. For us to reign on earth as it is declared in Revelations 5:10, these Seven (7) things must manifest in our lives and for the next Seven (7) weeks, I’d like for us to break them all down to see what it means to carry Power, Riches, Wisdom, Might, Honor, Glory and Blessing. May the Lord grant us grace and reveal Himself to us even as we embark on this Seven (7) week journey.


Lady Abena.