TIME is the greatest mystery and every day, I am amazed by the reality of it. There are over 8 billion humans on earth and yet, none of us have the same fingerprints. We have different features, different races, different families so many different things but the one thing we all have in common is TIME. One Thousand, Four Hundred and Forty (1440)  minutes each day. No one has more and no one has less of it. The wealthiest people in the world have 1440 minutes and so does the poorest man who can barely afford clean water to drink. I heard someone say that the only currency we have in common is TIME. This is the ultimate truth! Time is both a physical currency and a spiritual one. You can lose time, and you can gain time. Have you heard of people saying “I just need to buy some TIME” or “I am biding my TIME”?

I’ve been very fascinated about the mystery of time lately and it’s definitely needed for the season that I find myself in. A great man of God said that you can gain everything that you lose, even people, but you can’t gain back TIME. If you lose a car, chances are, you can work and buy another one, but once TIME is spent, it is gone forever. If you buy another car and do not have TIME left in your life span to enjoy it, you have really lost. What’s even mysterious is that, any date you live through will never repeat itself in your lifetime ever. TIME is unstoppable, hence the saying that “TIME and tide waits for no man”. Which means no one can control or stop TIME. As people, we should always be moving forward because time is constantly running, not waiting or pausing for you and I. You can rectify so many things, even mistakes but you cannot rectify TIME. 

In Genesis 41, Pharaoh had a dream and what Joseph interpreted was a revelation to all of us that TIME can eat TIME. A TIME of plenty can be eaten by a TIME of famine. Joseph by God’s wisdom advised the Egyptians to discern the seasons (Times) that will be coming for them and how they need to preserve and save so that they can sustain themselves. TIME is the greatest loss to man, not things, not people but TIME. With this reality in mind, it is so imperative for us to cherish every passing minute. We have to take an inventory of how we spend our TIME because our results in life are a reflection of what we spend our TIME on. When Moses came down from Mount Sinai after spending TIME with the Lord, the bible says that his face was so radiant he had to cover it with a veil, (Exodus 34). What Moses spent his TIME on was reflecting in his appearance. Just like you and I, if we spend our TIME in the gym, our tight muscles will let people know what we are spending our lives on. 

The revelation of the mystery of TIME has caused a shift in my life. I am so careful now how I use my TIME. Lord knows that I have misused and abused some TIME. There were seasons (TIMES) in my life that I did not discern and thus I missed greatly BUT, God is a restorer of TIME. If He created it then He is the only one who can control it, pause it or stop it. Hey, He stopped the sun for Joshua – yup He did. Read Joshua 10. He halted TIME for him. Based on this knowledge, I’ve been praying fervently for Him to restore my time and you can pray with me as well:

Joel 2:25-27 AMP

25 “And I will compensate you for the years (TIME)

That the swarming locust has eaten,

The creeping locust, the stripping locust, and the gnawing locust—

My great army which I sent among you.

26  “You will have plenty to eat and be satisfied

And praise the name of the Lord your God

Who has dealt wondrously with you;

And My people shall never be put to shame.

27 “And you shall know [without any doubt] that I am in the midst of Israel [to protect and bless you],

And that I am the Lord your God,

And there is no other;

My people will never be put to shame

I declare it is so and so it is in Jesus’ name! AMEN!


Lady Abena.