For I,’ declares the Lord, ‘will be a wall of fire around her [protecting her from enemies], and I will be the glory in her midst.

Zechariah 2:5 AMP

An elegant welcome to you! I am an UNCONVENTIONAL lover of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit! Why so? Well, in a world where everyone is inundated with so much information, being told what to do and what not to do, how to serve God and how not to, etc., I figured I would give myself a break from it all and allow God to reveal Himself to me in the uniqueness that He created and designed me to be.

I truly want you to believe this, that God is raising a different breed of women who are “unbought and unbossed” to promote His Kingdom in a rather unconventional way. Behind their lipsticks and high-heels are kingdom warring women who spew the fire of the Holy Spirit wherever they are. I am so blessed to count myself among that group of women who are making sure that our lives and presence are the Bible someone will read and be empowered to make a decision to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

My pursuit of God is deeply rooted in intercession for Women and Children. The spirit of God leads us to build up and empower other women (young and old) in their spiritual and personal lives. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are able to stand in the gap for them on issues concerning their spiritual growth, business, family, health, love, life, etc. Our focus on children, especially young girls, is to be a model for their lives, teach them to live purely for Jesus Christ, prepare them for the future, and avail themselves to be used by the Lord.

So, whether you are a Non-Christian or a Christian, a prayer warrior or you have never said a prayer in your lifetime, if you are that woman who wants Jesus Christ to meet you right where you are in your life – to be loved and accepted by Him just as you are and have him transform you, then, this is my invitation for you. Join me and the many other women to present the feminine side of the Holy Spirit to the world. Jesus accepts you and loves you just as you are and when you give Him your life, you will see transformation, growth and empowerment to walk in the victory He has destined for you.

Please click here and fill out this form to join us:

May the goodness and grace of God pursue you all the days of your life. I look forward to sharing His Kingdom with you.


Lady Abena.

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June 2, 2024Welcome to the second half of 2024 and yes indeed, this is how far the good Lord has brought us. […] [...]Read more...
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May 12, 2024The role of a mother is irreplaceable so, to the wombs that have carried children, to those who couldn’t carry […] [...]Read more...
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April 28, 2024I honestly do not know if it’s because most of us started from a simple household where you only had […] [...]Read more...
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April 1, 2024Today, April 01, 2024, the Lord has blessed me with 16,060 days on earth. I have a lot to thank […] [...]Read more...
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March 17, 2024Have you heard many times that silence can be the loudest form of communication? It really is and this “Life […] [...]Read more...
March 10, 2024Another “Life Practice” of mine that I’d like to share with you is on picking your battles. I’ll be lying […] [...]Read more...